Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I've Been Tagged, Too!

Well, it appears as though I've been tagged by UAintNevaLied. I'm a fair sport, so here's the rules:

A). Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
B). Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
C). Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
D). Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Without further TO-DO, here are Seven Random High Fidelity Facts:

  1. I have two degrees that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. I initially graduated from Alabama A&M University with a degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. The idea was to go into medicine, but I changed my mind after graduation when I saw where the medical field was headed. So I went to the University of Alabama and graduated with a degree in Computer Engineering and minors in Computer Science and Mathematics. Who knew?
  2. My birthmark looks like the state of West Virginia. So there's this birthmark on the back of my neck that apparently looks like the state of West Virginia...or so I've been told. My geography and topography sucks, so I'll take your word for it, mom.
  3. Collecting mechanical pencils used to be a vice. Okay, this one is weird, I know, but it's true. I used to have all kinds - thick, thin, multiple colors, etc. But I've narrowed it down to normal to medium sized barrels that have the thin, twistable, replaceable erasers. I also have a few drafting pencils as well. Between the two I only use .5 and .3 as any other size is too big or small. Hey, don't judge me. Like I said, this was a "used to be a vice", remember?
  4. My hobby is collecting pennants. Okay, this one is more unique. Ever since I was a kid, I collected pennants - flags - from the places that I would visit. It could be schools that I liked, or places (i.e. Six Flags, Zoo's, landmarks, etc.). I would normally stay away from team pennants, but I've found moreso now that pennants aren't really made like they used to be, except for team stuff. So now, I get a team pennant to represent where I've been...normally for every new state or city I visit. I may have to start collection country flags for new countries I visit...I dunno, man.
  5. I stay up late but with reason. Okay, though the reason may not make sense to any of you, here it is. I feel as though I'm missing stuff when I go to bed early, even if I'm doing nothing but watching TV or looking at the computer. Part of me feels as though I've spent most of the day inside an office, and that's 8+ hours that have passed me by and I haven't gotten to do what I want to do, and not necessarily have to do. For those of you who like to be asleep by the time the street lamps come on, ignore this one.
  6. I played trumpet in high school.'s true. I actually played from 5th grade until I graduated. Little known fact...trumpet players make great kissers.
  7. I talk in my sleep. I pray that my wife gets adjusted to this as I can foresee her waking one night and smothering me because I won't shut up. The sad part...I actually woke up one night to my own discussion. Even worse...I finished my sentence after I was awake and completely aware that I was doing it.

So there you have it. My 7 random facts. I only know one person to pass this two at the moment that hasn't received it. Man...I gotta find some new contacts on this thing.

Here you go, "cuzo": LifesABeach

What's Really Good!

So, I've been emailed, tagged, IM'ed and spoken to the fact that I have a blog and haven't touched it since somewhere back in the summer. Well, a lot has been going on and I have been absent from the scene. So needless to say, my blogging time fell from a more frequent occurrence to that of a screeching halt. Nonetheless, after much prodding and bad-mouthing from others, I am returning. Though I don't really know who I'm returning's not like many people read this thing anyway, right?

At any rate, I'm devoting this blog to things that have kept me occupied since I left. And yes, they are legitimate things so don't start getting ideas like I was spending all my time on a gameboy or Xbox....

...besides...I don't own either of those anyway.

So, here's a breakdown of what's been really good. Let's start at February of this year:

  1. February 4th marked a day that started a domino effect for the positive in my life. This was the day I took the most special woman in the world, UAintNevaLied and put her on layaway by asking her to marry me. For those of you who are slow, "yes", I got engaged. It was a wonderful moment filled with tears, slob and runny noses and smiles all around. It was also Superbowl Sunday; how's that for a kick-off play, huh?!

  2. Between February and July, I did some traveling for my job that put me in New Jersey, Washington D.C., Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas, and Texas. I like to travel, so I'm not complaining at all. The work was good, the per-diems were awesome, and I was engaged. nine wasn't high enough. I was on cloud 12!

  3. Somewhere in late June - early July - I moved my fiancee (in two trips) out of the cold, frost-bitten land of Maryland and down to Hotlanta. It was definitely a change, but she's adjusted now and is enjoying the city very much. Of course, she was happy with the change in family situation as well. She was now much closer to her family, but still just far away. What more can you ask for, right?

  4. August 9th: I turned 30. Yes...I finally left my 20's. But the youth is still strong. Especially when I shave all the facial hair. I look like I'm 12 then. Along with baking me an unbelievable homemade cake, I got a cool gift courtesy of my fiancee - a digital SLR camera that I carry around with me darn near everywhere I go. I sometimes wonder if she's going to shove that thing down my throat as I take photos of her when she's not expecting. August 31st: I make my final payment on my layaway purchase and completely take her off the market! Sorry snooze, you lose!! So yes, we got married on the beach - surrounded by friends, family, loved ones, and people we didn't know (but according to some were somehow related to us). I'd personally like to thank each and every guy that at some point or another dated my wife (before we knew each other, of course) and somehow f*ed up along the way. Thank you...thank you!! You can start hating now!

  5. September 2nd: The wifey and I take off on a two-week honeymoon to Thailand. That's right...Thailand. We've seen Hawaii and the Caribbean, so we did something different. It was AWE-SOME-MM!! Yes, I added the extra "M's" for emphasis! We visited Bangkok (thanks for the bootleg stuff), Chiang Mai (thanks for the cheap stuff and more bootleg stuff), and the island of Phuket! Outside of the 16 hours it took to get there, it was a tight trip! Of course I'm running on adrenaline the whole time, so sleep wasn't a factor!

  6. October: We're back from the honeymoon and I'm working in the ATL. The later part of the month I get a call to go to New Jersey (again) for a couple of weeks. This is the first time I've been away from wifey since August. Hated it...and I did too! The trip was good, though. I got to hang with some of my new family members, including LifesaBeach.

  7. November: Get this...I'm sent to Gold Coast City, Australia...a little area known as Surfer's help conduct training for a client. Yes...I was excited. I mean, I've never been to Australia before, so this was definitely an opportunity...not to mention that it was the second time I've been out of the country within two months. The suckiest thing about it was that my beloved wife couldn't come. That definitely put a bit of a dark cloud over the trip. I would have loved to have her there, but since I was only there for a week, we had to wait until next time. And yes, the picture to the right was taken by me. I shot it from the hotel room balcony, 22 stories up. Who knows, if I keep this up, I may be able to turn this camera thing into more than a hobby. Any mentors out there interested in taking on a FREE understudy?

So there you have it. That's what's been going on. There are other things in the mix, but I'm not going to spill the beans just yet. That's for me to know, and for you guys to find out later. I guess I'll just have to put it on the blog.

I hope this will suffice for now. I should have more dropped on here soon, as I have a load on my mind.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Writer's Block

So I'm sitting at my computer wondering exactly what it is that I plan to say. To be quite honest, my mind is somewhat of a blank at the moment. I know that I want to write something but I just don't really know what that something is. I'm at the computer, thinking of what there is to say. I mean, I haven't put anything into my blog in a while, but the desire to want to have something there - the urge to have words written and an artform expressed - persuade me to do more than just look at the screen and hope for responses of old text. So in the spirit of fulfilling a need, I sit here and contemplate. I'm not quite sure just how long I've been thinking about what to type, nor am I certain of what all I've done as I've waited for an idea to come to me. I've managed to pull myself from my chair, eat a meal and watch a bit of TV, all the while searching for that inkling of inspiration, but alas I am without a topic or an idea of what to create and springforth into the blogging world.

So as I sit in Dallas, TX, I look outside and see Children's and Parkland Hospitals across I-35 South. The sounds of 18-wheelers and motorcyclists go zooming by. Interestingly enough is how I get up when I hear the sound of the motorcycles when they pass. They all seem to go shooting by, moreso in the southernly direction, at high speeds. My guess is because - at night - the law enforcement are few and far between, making the long stretch of 10-lane highway prime real estate for stunts, tricks and speed. The neat thing is when they all pass by in groups of 5 or more. I can peek out the window (as I'm sitting next to it) and watch them go by. There's a feeling of freedom in watching them, as I too ride - or at least used to. I know what it feels like to be saddled over a two-wheeled crotch rocket, with nothing but wind blowing in your direction (or force fed as the case normally is in this type of situation) and a blatant disregard for all those who can't keep up. It's a thrill, a privilege...and not one to be taken likely. Because just as soon as you're not respecting that privilege you become a wet spot on that real estate I spoke about earlier. And no one likes getting their car dirty after it was just cleaned.

I wonder how many will understand that last sentence.

I never quite realized that sometimes being stuck inside a hotel room with nothing to do could really open you up to things that you would normally not pay attention to or give a second thought towards. I've found that looking out the window and just watching things go by can be both peaceful and educational. For example, I've watched people turn the corners near the hotel and I've noticed that most drivers tend to make a left turn a lot faster than they do a right one. When the emergency copters are flown in to the hospitals across they street, they almost always land with their tail rotors pointed south. Each tree in front of my hotel is the exact same kind, and it's the same on the other side of I-35. There are three flag poles with a different flag on each. The wind is blowing but the American flag is catching more air than the other two, yet there is no obstruction to any of them. One of them isn't moving at all.

I wonder if other writers have serious writers block when they sit down to tell their stories. I wonder what kinds of inspiration they keep at their desk, or the different mantras they use to get their creative juices flowing. I always figured Stephen King had a combination of comic books and old Alfred Hitchcock movies to come up with some of the stuff he has. But inspiration is different for different people I guess. Some have a gift and others don't.

Perhaps some of them just sat in front of a window and looked out on the world...waiting for the flourescent light bulb above their noggin to light up.

As for me...I just wish I had something to say.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Good Guys Finish Last?

I stepped out of myself one day, and fell down to my knees
Casting teary eyes upward, I began by saying "Please..."
Help me to understand, that as I look into my past
I can't help but wonder, why do Good Guys Finish Last?

I have done my best, to be the best, man that I can be
But for some odd reason over time, those I care about still leave.
I've been cheated on, lied to, and even made fun of
But still, I kept on giving my all...a heart filled with love.

When I think back to those I cared for, and left me for others just the same
Is it because I was different; did I not play the game?
Many variations of this question, to this day still last
And on my knees I ask again, why do Good Guys Finish Last?

I've been in situations, where I thought that things were good
Only to find the one I loved, was kicking it with the "hood".
All this time I was genuine, and quite's true
But in the end I was left with hurt, and despair too.

But it's not just around relationships, it's also been with friends
The ones I thought I could depend on, who'd be there to the end.
Go out of way to be there for them, I did this - what I speak is truth
But it hurts just the same when in the end, I was just a doormat for their boots.

Yet still I try to maintain, and keep my head held high
'Cause in my heart is a pain, the reason for my teary eye.
To not care at all is easy, but I can not accept that task
For I am a good guy so please tell me, why do Good Guys Finish Last?

I lowered my head in shame, thinking that my plea had gone unheard
And on my knees I sat in silence, my heart and mind perturbed.
Moments passed and longer still, I kneeled in quiet vain
And then a gentle voice spoke unto me, and said "Let me explain."

The experiences you have had to bear, the lessons you have learned
Were placed in your life strategically, to prepare you for your turn.
You have had "trial runs" in the past, to parallel what you've been told
That just because something glitters, certainly does not make it gold.

All of those that claimed to be your friends, that turned out not to be so true
Have given you insight to what a true friend is, thus making a better you.
And through it all you stayed the course, you were the one to endure
A definite quality of a Good Guy, one whose friendship is pure.

And as for your relationships, and those for whom you cared
Let not you further worry of this, for unconditionally your love is to be shared.
It is their lost...those who left, and from past hurts you now see
That a true partner would give you her all, just as you'd give your all to she.

So young man do not waist your time, dwelling on the past
For truly I say unto you, Good Guys don't finish last.
They are groomed so when the right one comes, it will appear as though it's fate
And the two will grow together as one, love and blessings will overflow their plate.

I thought over the words carefully, for they did make sense
And set my mind more at ease, but I still was somewhat tense.
And I asked who is the one for me, searching for years I've tried and tried
Heaven opened up, smiled gently on me and said, "UAintNevaLied".

Friday, April 27, 2007

Not to be Taken Lightly

Throughout the day I had moments where my mind would drift...pondering over different ideas of what to blog on. To be quite honest, I actually logged in a couple of times and began typing my introductory paragraph, but I could never quite finish my overall thought as to what I really wanted to say. I had a few topics, but even those began to escape me or would fall by the waist-side as that internal voice within me would ask "Do you really want to write about that?" So after starting and stopping for about 4 times, I decided that I'd step outside and put my mind on to other matters of creativeness - addressing my failed attempts to write to a later point. It was at that moment that I actually began, unknowingly, formulating what it was I wanted to put here.

This past week has - for the most part - been a good week with the exception of the passing of one of my cousins. She put up a battle against cancer and was finally called "home" this past Tuesday. This lead me to think about another member of my family who had a battle with cancer and won. Somewhere after that I got to thinking about other issues that I've witnessed, heard about, read about or saw...and then it hit me.

I realized that I had a lot to be thankful for - that there are a lot of positive things surrounding me that need not be taken for granted nor ignored. And I sat there, taking a minute or four and absorbing this epiphany. Mind you, I wasn't just thinking this in regards to me, but in regards to general. I realized that I've never had to battle cancer, shield myself from a barrage of bullets, wear casts to repair broken bones, lay in the hospital from car wrecks, or go through life not knowing what it is to be loved. I thought of these things...and I became more thankful. I noticed that I was actually having my work day from the comfort of my home and for the first time in a long time, working with the view of my yard right outside where a sense of peace was awaiting me once I was through with my work. It was something to look forward to, but at the same time, the mere fact that "that" something to look forward to existed was a blessing within it self.

Back in school I would get up in the morning, open my blinds and see the day before me. It was always a good day when you could open those blinds, see the sun illuminating the room, the clouds were way up, and a shallow breeze completed the day. What I hated was that I normally had class during those days...class in a building where there wasn't much of the day getting in. I came up with a theory, and that theory was simply this: God gave us an abundance of those perfect days (perfect, of course, being defined differently by different individuals). These days are plentiful in number, but there is a certain allotment in our lifetime. And although we have many of these days designed for us, we are limited to partake in them because of school, work, responsibilities, etc. So on various occasions I opted to take my days and not leave them for granted. I know I skipped a couple of classes (okay, more like an entire day) so that I could get out in it, but something in me felt as though I would be wrong to let it go without stepping outside. I would get in my car and just ride particular set goal in mind. I would just down, music playing and a smile on my face. I knew that I should have gone to class, but somewhere inside I figured God wouldn't be upset for me taking advantage of something He made just for me. In fact, I felt He was happy that I'd made the choice I made!

So what am I really trying to say? I guess I'm saying a lot: pay attention to those little things around you because they're bigger than they appear, take advantage of things when you can, because before you know it they'll be gone, live for the day as best you can (but still try to plan ahead for the future), because tomorrow isn't definitely promised. I'm saying a lot of things but they all ultimately tie back to the same idea (well, at least they do in my head). You're the reader here...the meaning will be interpreted differently for your eye than mine. As it should...

...I dunno, man.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

To Glorify or Not to Glorify

April 16th proved to be a very interesting day in the life of college students everywhere. For those of you who may not understand what I'm referring to (or have been without news or TV for more than a week), I'm speaking to the massacre that took place at Virginia Tech. As a quick reminder, 33 students were slain at the hands of one Korean student, Seung-Hui Cho. According to forensics and other police reports, Cho went berserk and unleashed over 170 rounds upon students before putting himself out of his own misery.

Granted that this is simply a rough outline of what occurred, it's not really what I came to say. My concern is more towards the role the media has played in covering this event. Is it just me, or does it appear to be displayed as more of a viewing spectacle than a tragic event? Now I, like most others, like to know what's going on and where, but to parade this around for more than a week and have every news station, news net, paper, etc. showing this over and over and over and over can be a bit much. Let me clarify; it's not so much that they were giving updates, but the constant repeating statements about the number killed, how, who-dunit, etc. to me was uncalled for - especially when they began showing the photos from the video that Cho sent to the TV Station. Personally, they could have just showed Cho's school portrait and let it go at that. Instead, they showed all that he sent: photos of him holding his gun at the camera, poses of him with both guns drawn, etc. The video that he made was played over and over again and available to any and all who cared to look. Should we be concerned that a message is being sent out to future delinquents who think the world is out to get them and this is the way to deal? Why give so much attention to the villain...what about those that were affected, both directly and indirectly? Yes, I know this coverage came (eventually), but glorifying (in a manner of speaking) someone for such a heinous crime tends to be giving more credit than I think the media knows.

But I guess they just want the rating...